Bournemouth, Business | Posted on June 28th, 2021 | return to news
Bournemouth Coastal BID secures £155,000 in funding
The areas to benefit are Hengistbury Head, Tuckton, Pokesdown, Boscombe, Southbourne, East Cliff, Pier Approach, West Cliff and Westbourne.
Coastal areas stretching from Hengistbury Head to Westbourne are to benefit from improvement grants.
Bournemouth Coastal BID has secured three grants totalling £155,000 to boost its areas.
One of £50,000 will be spent on an electric truck that includes a water tank and will be used to water plants and clean the streets.
It will also collect food waste which will be composted and distributed to families and community schemes.
A joint grant secured with the Town Centre BID of £50,000 is to be used for events that will benefit the town.
And a further £55,000 will be used to improve the street furniture, add bins and planting and make the coastal areas more attractive.
Coastal BID manager Fiona McArthur said: “These grants are straight from the Bounce Back Challenge fund, so not from local tax-payers.
“We are particularly pleased with the electric truck because it will create employment and will save our levy-payers money.
“It will be used to water flowers across our areas and it comes with a power hose that can remove graffiti and chewing gum.
“Furthermore, the truck will be used to collect waste food and coffee dregs that will be taken to a composter on top of the Sovereign Centre in Boscombe.
“The Grounded Communities charity will then distribute the compost to those who will benefit from it. Some will also be used to grow food that will be given out at the food bank.
“The other grants will fund events and also greatly improve the streets with new furniture, bins, planters and art.
“After the year of lockdowns our businesses need all the help we can provide and these grants will make our areas more attractive to locals and visitors.”
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