Bournemouth volunteers to clean up littered streets
Bournemouth Town Centre BID and Healthy High Streets are organising a volunteer-led cleaning of the town centre’s littered streets on 29 March.

A Bournemouth community initiative will soon be clearing up some of Bournemouth’s most littered streets. The Bournemouth Town Centre Business Improvement District (BID) and the town’s Healthy High Streets group are hosting a dedicated clean up on Wednesday 29 March.
Starting at 11 am by Horseshoe Common (outside Turtle Bay), along with the Bournemouth town rangers, they will work their way down Old Christchurch Road, side roads, down through The Square, up to the Triangle and along Poole Hill cleaning as they go. They will focus on some of the worst local eyesores including the Dalkeith Steps, off Old Christchurch Road.
Steve Hughes, manager of the Bournemouth Town Centre BID said, “We will be giving the town centre a good spring clean ready for the Easter period. Calling on the support of business owners, visitors and residents, we want everyone to take pride in our town centre so that it stands out as a great place to live, work and visit.
”Sadly, too many people think they can drop their rubbish and litter where they like and that doesn’t create a great impression. We want our residents and visitors to take delight in the town centre and help restore pride in the town.”
The Big Bournemouth Clean-Up volunteers will include members of community group ‘Dorset Devils’. The Dorset Devils are made up of Bournemouth residents who love where they live but dislike the sight of litter and its effects on our community and environment.
Peter Ryan, founder of the Dorset Devils, said, “We want Bournemouth to be as litter free as possible but that means everyone needs to play their part for this to happen. It’s great to see so many organisations come together, to sweep the town centre clean.’’
Representatives from the Business in the Community Healthy High Streets initiative, which aims to revitalise high streets and engage with large businesses in the community, are also helping.
Jayne Rees, the store manager at Wilko, who leads the Bournemouth Healthy High Streets programme, added, “This event aims to clean up large areas of the town ahead of the Easter shopping season. We want Bournemouth looking its best, providing a welcoming environment for visitors and improving business prospects.’’