Culture, Wimborne | Posted on November 2nd, 2021 | return to news
Choir from Surrey sings in Wimborne Minster
The Saint John Singers from St John the Baptist Church in Windlesham, Surrey were in the Minster church last Sunday.

Sunday 31 October was Halloween, but in Wimborne Minster the church was marking All Saints Day.
And to make it very special, more than 30 choristers from The Saint John Singers from St John the Baptist Church, Windlesham, Surrey led the singing at the parish Eucharist and Evensong services.
They normally sing at Cathedrals or greater churches throughout England four times a year when the regular choirs are on holiday but due to the Coronavirus Pandemic their visit to Wimborne Minster was their first engagement since 2019 the year in which they celebrated their 30th anniversary.
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