Ferndown | Posted on September 10th, 2021 | return to news
Debt help available in Ferndown
People are advised to get help before they get into trouble at The East Dorset & Ringwood Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Debt Centre.

With the furlough scheme scheduled to come to an end on 30 September, The East Dorset & Ringwood Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Debt Centre is encouraging people to seek free debt help should they need it.
Based at the Bus Stop Club Charity and Hope Church on the Heatherlands Estate in Ferndown, it has been delivering free debt help to people across the area for over seven years and throughout the pandemic.
Pam Ansell, East Dorset & Ringwood CAP Debt Centre manager, said: “We really want to urge people who are struggling with debt to seek help as early as possible.
“The furlough scheme has helped plug the gap for many people, but not everyone will be able to get back the same hours and income with their employers.
“At first, it might seem you’ll be able to manage by tightening your belts a bit, but low income and debt often go hand-in-hand. In fact, at CAP, low income is the most common reason for debt.
“Over half of people in debt wait over a year before seeking help. The quicker people get in touch, the sooner they can get support and solutions in place.
“Sadly, we’ve seen all too often that people are struggling to find enough money to cover essentials like rent and heating and then not having enough money left for food or to pay back arrears. It’s a juggling act which is impossible to manage without help.”
One CAP client said: “The lockdown has been hard, but the team gives me a weekly phone call to check if I’ve got enough food and I’ve paid my rent. They’ll go the extra mile.”
If anyone reading this is worried about debts piling up that are causing anxiety and stress, then contact CAP on 0800 328 0006 as soon as possible to get free debt help.
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