The Dorset Lupus Group is aiming to reach Lupus patients throughout the county by holding a series of coffee afternoons across Dorset.
A new coffee group will meet at Haskins Garden Centre, Ferndown, on Wednesday 18 June, and thereafter, on the third Wednesday every month. Representatives Debbie and Tamsin will be there at the main door at 2pm to meet patients.
On Thursday 10 July at 3pm existing members of the Dorset Lupus Group will be meeting up at Baglionni’s Coffee Shop in Sherborne.
A coffee group already exists in west Dorset but is taking a break during the summer months.
Lupus is a rare disease and therefore patients are scattered thinly throughout Dorset.
The coffee groups are aimed at Lupus patients who otherwise might not have the opportunity to get together for a chat.
For further details about these Coffee Groups please call the Dorset Lupus Group Chairperson, Debbie, on 01202 877390.