Health & Lifestyle | Posted on February 22nd, 2021 | return to news
Dorset Council announces free PPE for unpaid carers
Unpaid carers in the Dorset Council area can now request free Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for carrying out their caring responsibilities.

There is a focus on extra-resident carers, ie those who live outside of the household of the cared-for person.
Unpaid care is that delivered by a family member or friend for those who, due to a lifelong condition, illness, disability, serious injury, a mental health condition or addiction, cannot cope without their support. It includes a range of activities including delivering personal care such as washing, dressing and feeding, as well as help with laundry, cooking, shopping and cleaning.
Unpaid carers who provide essential care for someone who lives in another household can continue to do so under all local and national restrictions. It is crucial that this care is essential care only.
Cllr Simon Gibson, lead member for care at Dorset Council said, “It’s great news that PPE has now been made available free of charge to all unpaid carers. While the roll-out of the Covid vaccines has been going well, we’re not out of the woods yet.
“We understand this is still a worrying time for many people and the use of PPE is recommended wherever possible to try and stop the spread of Covid-19. Unpaid carers do an amazing job and I am pleased that PPE has been made available for free, please do check the website to find out more.”
To find out what type of PPE you may be able to request free of charge from Dorset Council you can fill out an online form or telephone the council between 8.30am-5pm Monday to Friday. (See below).
A standard package of PPE is available which includes visors, aprons, face masks, hand sanitiser, and gloves.
Delivery options are available for those who cannot collect or do not have someone they can ask to collect on their behalf. Deliveries will be made by volunteers and we will aim to get packages out within two working days.
Caring takes on many forms and you may not even identify yourself as a carer, but the caring you do entitles you to information, advice, and support. It is really important that when you’re caring for someone that you look after yourself too.
Caring can be very rewarding, but without the right support it can have a negative impact on your health, career, finances, or relationships.
You may have found that your caring role has become more challenging due Covid-19, or you may have taken on new caring responsibilities.
Carer Support Dorset is the first point of contact for advice and support to all age, unpaid carers across the Dorset Council area. Their aim is to create carer friendly communities where carers are recognised, valued, and supported. Contact them on freephone 0800 368 8349, or view their website
If you are an unpaid carer, you can register for your free PPE at or call Dorset Council on 01305 221000. Lines are open Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm.
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