Ferndown, Motoring & Transport | Posted on March 25th, 2025 | return to news
Ferndown car-free route completed
At long last the walking, wheeling and cycling route from Wimborne to Tricketts Cross has been completed.

People can now travel from Wimborne to Tricketts Cross – a journey of over four miles – without using a car.
This route, funded by central government’s Active Travel Fund, completes a joined-up network of routes and bus improvements between Wimborne and Ferndown.
The improvements include:
- new wide paths for walking, cycling and wheeling including textured areas to assist the visually impaired
- upgraded traffic light crossing points with modern technology, reducing wait times for road users and improving traffic flow
- rebuilt and resurfaced carriageway to reduce the need for future maintenance
- landscaping and planting with wildflower seeding on the verges
- bus stop improvements with new and refurbished shelters, real-time information boards and raised kerbs for easier access.
Jess, who works at the Heathland House Care Home, adjacent to the new layout, said: “The new path has made walking and cycling to work a lot easier.
“In my spare time I also use the path to walk the dog. The wider distance between us and the road has made a huge difference to my feeling of safety.
“I am so grateful. It now makes me think twice when getting in my car to go to work or into Wimborne.”
Cllr Jon Andrews, Cabinet member for Place Services, Dorset Council, said: “Firstly, thank you to all residents and businesses in Ferndown for their patience during the work. This was a big project, but one that vastly improves the experience for anyone walking, cycling or wheeling along Wimborne Road.
“We have gone from narrow and often bumpy walkways to wide and level off-road access from Wimborne to Ferndown.
“With the large centre of employment at the Ferndown Industrial Estate and three schools nearby, this offers a safe and healthy option to get around.”
The improvements are the final part of the earlier new walking, cycling and wheeling routes along Wimborne Road East and Wimborne Road West Ferndown, completed in 2023. These were funded through central government’s Transforming Cities Fund.
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