Charity, Hampshire | Posted on November 21st, 2022 | return to news
Fordingbridge playgroup receives funds from supermarket scheme
The Superstars playgroup has received £4,500, thanks to donations to the local Co-op community fund scheme.

A playgroup in Fordingbridge, which supports children with special needs, has received a boost to its funds.
The Superstars playgroup has received £4,500 thanks to donations to the Local Community Fund scheme from customers of the Fordingbridge Branch of the Co-op. Receiving the cheque, the Rev Kate Wilson of Avon Valley Churches and its associated charity Avon Valley Community Matters said: “Thank you so much to all those who donated and to the Co-op team for supporting our charity. The funds will be put to very good use providing support and sensory toys for children with special needs to use at our weekly sessions.”
The campaign was set up to help promote inclusion by integrating pre-school aged children with special educational needs or disabilities with those who are able bodied, by providing access to developmentally appropriate activities. The funds will support Avon Valley Community Matters’ weekly sensory-based playgroups for 0-5 year olds and their siblings and carers in the Fordingbridge area. Little Acorns is at 9.30am on Thursdays in Hale Village Hall and Superstars is at 9.30am on Fridays at St Mary’s Hall in Fordingbridge. Each week there are seasonal crafts, sensory activities and toys, as well as storytime, songs and snacks.
Avon Valley Community Matters (AVCM) was set up with a vision to strengthen the community by empowering local people of all ages to flourish in their emotional, physical, spiritual and social wellbeing. This is being achieved by developing activities to meet the needs of individuals and groups not being addressed. As well as the two playgroups, the charity runs a monthly Friendship Group for the lonely and bereaved on the first Tuesday of every month at the Ship Inn in Fordingbridge.
Avon Valley Community Matters’ Friendship Group has been chosen as a sponsored charity next year too. To make a donation please sign up to the donation scheme at and select cause 68718 when using your clubcard. The direct link is: For those who prefer to phone, the Co-op Membership number is 08000 686727 and is open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
To date, the charity has organised activity bags for children during lockdown, cupcakes and hot-cross buns for young people and the elderly on Valentine’s Day and at Easter, a den building day, hot meals and activities at Messy Church, with much more planned, including a miscarriage support group.
To join a group, become a volunteer or fundraiser, or to find more information about Avon Valley Community Matters, please visit
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