With spring just around the corner, Poole residents are being invited to attend a free home compost workshop on Saturday 8 March.
This half-day course from Borough of Poole will teach local food growers and gardeners how to produce compost to cover their growing needs, save money and replenish the soil fertility.
You will learn how to get the most from your compost at home and how to deal with common problems through practical demonstrations and fun activities. So come along and find out what you can put in your home compost bin and what to keep out. No previous gardening experience is required.
The course will take place between 10am and 2pm at the Education Centre in Upton Country Park. A light lunch at the Peacock tearooms is included. Please book your place by contacting Borough of Poole on 01202 261358.
Councillor Xena Dion, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for a Prosperous and Sustainable Poole, Borough of Poole, said: “Composting at home is an easy and effective way of recycling garden waste. It not only reduces waste sent to landfill but improves our carbon footprint. We would encourage everyone interested in home composting to attend this free event.”