Children from Allenbourn Middle School in Wimborne recently met Bishop Samuel Peni, from the Diocese of Nzara in South Sudan, and presented him with gifts to take back to the children there.
During their recent activities week, a group of 40 Allenbourn pupils took part in Team Assist, a project with the motto ‘Give a little, gain a lot’. One of Team Assist’s challenges was to find suitable items to be taken back by Bishop Samuel to Nzara, using a little bit of money and a lot of ingenuity.
Shopkeepers in Wimborne were extremely supportive, and among the things bought, donated or bargained for were pencils, chalk, toothbrushes, games, toys and paper. The Team Assist children had the chance to ask questions about life in Nzara, and the bishop thanked them on behalf of the children in South Sudan.
Wimborne Minster has strong links with the area, and Sheila Soper, the Minster’s Sudan Link Ambassador, was involved with Team Assist, which was led by teacher Mrs Sandy Darragh.