Raising more than £500 to help the homeless literally proved a piece of cake for a Dorset accountancy firm.
Staff at Princecroft Willis (PcW) baked a selection of home-made cakes for a charity coffee morning at their Poole office while nearby Butterfingers Sandwich Bar provided specialist coffees.
The event, which was open to PcW’s contacts as well as the firm’s neighbours in Parkstone Road, raised much-needed cash for PcW’s adopted charity, Routes to Roots (R2R).
Together with a similar coffee morning at PcW’s New Milton office the two events made a total of £517.
Elaine Wilkins, PcW’s Marketing Manager, said: “The event was a huge success and our thanks to everyone who supported the coffee morning, especially our magnificent team, and also Butterfingers. We’ll definitely be staging another event like this in the future.”
R2R has been adopted as Princecroft Willis’ nominated charity for 2012/13.
Based in Poole, R2R run drop in sessions to provide social and spiritual support for homeless and vulnerable housed people as well as food, clothing and a place to rest. For those who are rough sleeping, R2R assist with finding appropriate accommodation.
On average, around 22 people are helped with food and drink at the afternoon and evening R2R drop ins but numbers can be as high as 30 plus.