Motoring & Transport | Posted on October 6th, 2022 | return to news
Glenferness Avenue walking and cycling bridges approved
A planning application for new walking and cycling bridges over the railway line on Glenferness Avenue have been approved.

A planning application submitted by BCP Council for improvements to the bridge to allow for safer walking and cycling across the railway line on Glenferness Avenue has been approved.
On the east side, a new wider bridge able to accommodate both walkers and cyclists will replace the existing footbridge. On the west side of the road bridge, a new walking and cycling bridge will be built over the railway line. The road bridge itself will remain unaltered.
The new bridges will make the route safer for cyclists who currently have to cross over the railway line using the narrow 6m wide road bridge, often being ‘squeezed’ close to the parapet walls when vehicles overtake them.
BCP Council’s portfolio holder for transport and sustainability, Cllr Mike Greene, said: “We are pleased that our planning application for this much-needed work has been approved. The new bridges will provide a separate, safe space for people to walk and cycle across the railway line away from traffic.
“The current bridge is over 120 years old and was designed for the traffic of the day. This is a busy and important route connecting the town to Winton, Wallisdown and Bournemouth University campus and the new bridges will greatly improve walking and cycling connectivity to a wide variety of local destinations.
“These improvements, which have been carefully and sensitively designed to preserve the character of this conservation area, will dramatically improve safety for all users, future proofing the way people travel as well as encouraging active, sustainable journeys to work, education and leisure.”
The work will be funded through south east Dorset’s Transforming Cities Fund, is due to start in autumn 2023. It includes:
- A new 4m-wide shared use walking and cycling bridge installed on the western side of the road bridge
- Replacement of the existing footbridge on the eastern side of the road bridge with a new 4m-wide pedestrian and cycle bridge
- The new bridges, straddling either side of the road bridge, will include separate space for walkers and cyclists (delineated by painted lines)
The design of the bridges was developed in close consultation with BCP Council’s tree, ecology and planning teams to reflect the character and setting of the conservation area. The cycle ramp walls will be constructed using red bricks to match the existing road bridge, with dark green bridge parapets and mesh infill to maximise light and visibility for users.
The new cycle and footbridges will link in with a series of sustainable travel improvements proposed along Glenferness Avenue including new protected cycle tracks and new parallel and toucan crossings.
Public consultation on Transforming Cities Fund programme’s Glenferness Avenue plans was held between 24 February and 31 March 2021. The plans for the bridges and other improvements were also presented at a public information event on 10 November 2021.
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