Charity | Posted on October 19th, 2022 | return to news
Home sought in Dorset for refugees
Peace Haven: Homes for Refugees has secured a flat for one family but is finding it hard to find accommodation for a second one.
A community group has raised thousands for refugees but is having trouble spending it.
Peace Haven: Homes for Refugees has raised enough cash to pay a year’s rent on two properties for families fleeing war and persecution.
A flat has been secured for a Ukrainian family – they’ll be moving into their new home this month (October). But finding the second property for an Afghani family is proving problematic.
They had to escape Afghanistan when the Taliban took over because their lives were in danger – they had helped British troops.
Spokesperson Sharen Green said: “We feel that, as Brits, we owe these families because they risked their lives for our service men and women.
“The government saved them by bringing them here. But the families have been holed up in a hotel for over a year and it seems no provision has been made for them to move on and get settled.
“Our aim is to give one family a new start in life by paying their rent for a year.”
Ms Green added that Peace Haven was working with the relevant agencies who very much supported the project. Afghans brought here by the government have the right to live, work and rent in this country, she added.
“In spite of house-hunting for weeks and making numerous offers, we always get turned down,” she said.
“The family comprises a couple, their eight-year-old son, two pre-schoolers and a baby.
“The money has been raised by crowd-funding and people have been so generous. We can pay the market price – and some – but so far we haven’t found any landlords compassionate enough to help a family who are effectively trapped.”
If anyone can help, please contact Peace Haven on 01202 693837.
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