Business | Posted on February 18th, 2025 | return to news
iPad available for Dorset entrepreneurs who join online masterclass
A business support group is seeking four Dorset-based startups to take part in a virtual masterclass in entrepreneurship.

A Dorset business support group is organising a masterclass in entrepreneurship and is seeking four startups to take part. The chosen entrepreneurs will each receive an iPad to support their growth.
STRIDE Dorset has spent the last four months running events, masterclasses and specialist surgeries in the county and has organised a day-long conference to finish the programme.
The final event to be held will be an online masterclass designed to impart vital skills and knowledge to entrepreneurs who are at the beginning of their journey.
The STRIDE programme was spun out of the University of Plymouth and partnered with Dorset Council. So far, it has benefited dozens of Dorset businesses.
Jessica Dennis, the programme’s co-ordinator, said: “We have put together one more event because the reaction of Dorset businesses has been so positive.
“We have a four-hour online masterclass in entrepreneurship, and we are inviting people to apply. Only four will be selected for this intensive course and they will receive a complimentary iPad after the session to utilise within their business to support their growth.
“We are looking for entrepreneurs who have just started – or are about to start – an innovative business.
“The masterclass will use the wealth of knowledge within the STRIDE Dorset team to impart research, thinking tools and methodologies as well as real-life examples of what business success combined with innovation looks like.
“It will include an introduction to innovation, marketing and competitor analysis support, as well as advice on business growth.
“The entrepreneurial spirit is fuelled by blue-sky thinking which is great, but the refinement and enhancement of that thinking is often a challenge to condense into a practical and achievable strategy.
“The masterclass will give attendees insights into how to innovate quickly, cheaply and efficiently.
“There are a huge number of innovative individuals across Dorset, and we want to help them at the beginning of what can be a daunting adventure.”
The masterclass will take place on 27 February from 9.30am to 1.30pm. To apply, submit your interest along with a short introduction to your business idea or startup model to
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