Poole | Posted on February 10th, 2020 | return to news
Lewis-Manning Hospice Care is appealing for urgent donations following a recent break-in at its new premises at Longfleet Road, Poole.
Clare Gallie, chief executive at the charity, said, “Materials, old cabling and wires were all stolen from the hospice’s new premises. Construction work is underway with local suppliers who are getting the new premises ready, so we can move into Longfleet House in a few months.

“Community donations keep every aspect of our work going, they are our lifeblood,” said Clare. “We would like to reach out to the local community to ask people to please help keep our new home safe and secure and, if you notice anything suspicious, contact the local authorities.”
From its new base, Lewis-Manning will be able to help even more people in Poole, Purbeck and East Dorset with life-limiting illnesses. Its aim is to increase people’s physical and social well-being, reduce isolation and loneliness, support people to stay in their homes longer, and alleviate the huge pressures on family and carers.
If you can help by making a donation, visit Lewis-Manning Hospice Care’s JustGiving page https://www.justgiving.com/lewismanning or please help by texting DORSETCARE to 70470
to give a gift of just £5 per month. Terms and conditions can be found on lewis-manning.co.uk
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