Cllr Mike Parkes was elected unanimously on 13 May to lead Ferndown Town Council.
On taking up his role of mayor, he thanked members for electing him.
Having lived in and around Ferndown all his life, he said he believed in the place he is proud to call home. “I became a member of the Town Council in 1998 and have seen many changes over this time. Looking back to my first town council meeting, I found it quite a daunting experience joining a council of well seasoned councillors, little did I think that one day I too, would become one of those long serving councillors and have the huge honour to be stood in front of the council as the town mayor.”
He acknowledged there would be some challenging times ahead and said, “I am confident I will be able to lead us [the council] through our meetings and deliberations for the benefit of all the residents of Ferndown.”
He said his priorities were primarily supporting events and organisations within Ferndown as well as those within East Dorset and further afield where it was felt appropriately beneficial to promote the town.
He named ‘Active Youth of Ferndown’ as his charity of the year because he has a longstanding interest in working with the youth and he said he would be raising money to fund activity equipment for the recognised charitable youth organisations within the town.
Determined to make the year ahead a successful one, he said, “Whilst there are serious and formal things to do, I am also very sure that I will bring some of my own unique fun and flair to the role!”
He later posed for the newly elected Deputy Mayor, Cllr Tony Brown, to photograph him on his phone for Facebook.
To ‘like’ the official photo of the mayor visit