As part of the 2012 Olympic Games’ legacy, the Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy, which was the Olympic and Paralympic sailing venue, is offering annual family membership from £285 per annum.
It will run from 1 April 2013 to the 31 March 2014 and members can expect uninterrupted access to the academy, use of showers and changing facilities and use of an on-site car park.
Members also receive a 10% discount in the recently revamped cafeteria and have free access to launch and recover their boats as they wish, whilst secure storage is also available for an additional charge.
Additional membership options are also available at the academy.
Whether you are a seasoned and experienced sailing or watersport enthusiast or a complete beginner, 2013 could prove to be an exciting and memorable year. With a great range of activities and events planned which members can really get involved in, your membership to the WPNSA will mean you really are a part of the Olympic Legacy.
If you require any further information on membership please contact the WPNSA reception on 01305 866000 or visit the academy Open Day on 30 March 2013.