Students have achieved a highly impressive set of results in their GCSE examinations at Queen Elizabeth’s School in Wimborne with 85% of all students gaining an A*-C in English, 76% of students gained at least one Science GCSE and 68% gained an A*-C in Maths. Those achieving at least 5 A*- C including English and Maths, the standard by which most schools are judged, was an impressive 60%, with 72% of all students gaining 5A*-Cs. Headteacher Martin McLeman says this shows continuous improvement on last year and is one of the best set of GCSE results that the school has ever achieved. He said students achieved extremely well across the board with further outstanding success in Modern Languages, Triple Science, Geography, Religious Education, Psychology, the Arts and PE.
The school recognises achievement at all levels and behind these figures lie countless individual student success stories but some examples of those achieving the highest grades are:
Amy Wayland – 10 A*
Abigail Deeble – 8 A* and 3 A
Rebecca Jenkins – 7 A* and 4 A
Kirsten Morgan – 7 A* and 4 A
Elliot Watton – 7 * and 1 A
Charlie Bonnington – 6 A* and 1 A
Annabel Coates – 4 A* and 4 A
Phillippa Almond = 2 A* and 8 A
Daniel Kilgallon – 2 A* and 8 A
The Headteacher added, “Our students continue to demonstrate their hard work and commitment – they thoroughly deserve their success. I would also like to thank our staff for their dedication in achieving these excellent results and we should also recognise the support and guidance of the students’ families. I am even happier that our GCSE success builds further on our equally impressive A level results earlier in the month.”