Charity | Posted on May 4th, 2021 | return to news
Poole Lifeboats take up Mayday Challenge
Poole RNLI’s Mayday Challenge, which raised £1,210, saw members taking part in a variety of energetic activities.

Members of Poole RNLI enjoyed a lively Mayday Challenge, raising a total of £1,210 in the process.
Collectively, they ran, walked, paddle boarded, kite sailed, hobbled, three legged walked, cycled and pushed in a pram. Phew! In addition they danced in the street, ran on a ‘Frozen’ themed treadmill, rowed, worked a busy shift, played a round of golf and called on four legged friends to add some ‘paw power’.
They ended their epic challenge with a walk around Poole Quay to take them over the line and smash their target, accumulating an impressive 1091 miles.
More importantly after one of the toughest years, where they haven’t been able to get together, this challenge bought them all closer – especially the three-legged pair.
A spokesman said: “This is so important, a combined effort, all of us willing each other on, as friends, families, supporters, all helping to raise this impressive amount that will go to help us, to save lives at sea, to train and support our volunteer crew and buy the equipment to help keep us safe.
“A huge thank you, to everyone who had the faith, engaged with our crazy ideas and sponsored us, it really did spur us on, reading all the messages; it helped us to do our Mayday miles.”
Also, over the weekend their fundraisers supported Poole Bid who were ‘busking’ for them, raising over £211.
The spokesman said: “For some it was their first time out, after this incredibly difficult year, and a little overwhelming to be back fundraising together. Then we had two ‘Shouts’, which brings it all into perspective, the reason why it’s important to raise the funds.”
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