The results of this year’s Christchurch Writers Competition were announced at a special ceremony at the Regent Centre in Christchurch on Sunday 3 November. The prestigious Christchurch Quill Trophy was awarded at a separate ceremony at the Civic Offices on Thursday 14 November.
This year’s competition attracted over 150 entries from throughout the UK.
Top honours this year went to Tom Durham of Highcliffe who won the prestigious Christchurch Quill Trophy for his entry on the set title of ‘The Norman Heritage of Christchurch.’
Other winners included: Poetry: Hilary Hares from Surrey with ‘Porserpina’
Short Story: Julie Williams of Bournemouth with ‘Art Nouveau’
Play: Tracy Fells of West Sussex with ‘Sleep Diary’
Article: Sheelagh Murphy of Bournemouth with ‘Boxing Day Tsunami’
The judges commended all the entrants for achieving such high standards this year. The ceremony included a reading from the work of the winning authors and was followed by a wine and cheese reception, where contestants were able to meet the judges for an informal discussion about their entries.