Crime | Posted on February 3rd, 2021 | return to news
Purse stolen in distraction burglary in West Moors
Residents may well have seen these men in their high-vis jackets if so the police would like to hear from them.
If you were in the Teasel Way area of West Moors on Friday 29 January and saw two men wearing high-visability jackets, you might be able to help police with their enquiries into a distraction burglary.
At around 10am a woman received a phone call from a man who said he worked for a new company in the area that dealt with radiators. The victim said that her radiators needed bleeding at her address in Teasel Way.
Between midday and 3pm that same day, two men went to her home wearing high-visibility jackets and carrying clipboards. They looked around the property at all the radiators, before one of the men asked to look at any external pipes. The victim and one of the men went outside.
The two men left shortly afterwards and said they would be back later that day to finish the work, but they never arrived.
The victim subsequently noticed that her purse had been stolen.
Detective Sergeant Karen Penn, of Dorset Police’s Priority Crime Team, said, “I would urge residents to check their home CCTV systems for any footage of the men in the area or any vehicles seen acting suspiciously around the relevant time.
“Finally, I would like to remind people not to accept work from cold callers, whether this is over the phone or in person. Representatives from utility companies, local authorities or the police will always happily show their identification.”
Anyone with information is asked to contact Dorset Police at, via email or by calling 101, quoting occurrence number 55210019321. Alternatively, to stay 100 per cent anonymous, contact the independent charity Crimestoppers online at or call Freephone 0800 555 111.
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