Wimborne’s QE’s School sixth form students and staff are thrilled to have achieved such excellent results this year
A record year with 54% of students gaining the top grades, with 82% at A*-C, and an overall pass rate of 98%. There were some outstanding areas of achievement including physics, philosophy and ethics, art, modern languages, mathematics and all vocational subjects.
In the school’s wide range of vocational qualifications, the number of students achieving a distinction or distinction* (equivalent to a grade A/A* at A level) rose to 76% of all entries with results across all vocational subjects being excellent.
Outstanding performance include:
Amy Johnson – A*, A, A
Aimee Humm – A*, A, A
Eleni Sheringham – A*, A, A
Amy Morgan – A*, A, A
Arthur Newton – A, A, A
Alice Hudson – A*, A, B
Daisy Lowe – triple distinction*
Emily Wright – distinction*, distinction*, distinction
James Graham – distinction*, distinction, distinction
Director of post 16, deputy head Katie Boyes who was appointed this year, commented: “I am delighted for our students. They have worked incredibly hard, and have been well supported by their families and teachers. We are a comprehensive sixth form offering academic and vocational opportunities to students, and we are very pleased to see their efforts paying off with great results and further increases in the number of students being accepted into Russell Group universities. It has been another very exciting year, and I am so pleased for our students.”