Film & Theatre, Reviews | Posted on May 23rd, 2023 | return to news
Wimborne Drama Productions

Review by Marilyn Barber
The weather is vital for the success of so many events, but none more so than the largest ever amphibious land invasion – Operation Overlord.
Scheduled for 5 June 1944 on the expert advice of Group Captain James Stagg it was postponed until 6 June because of impending bad weather – and the rest as they say is history.
This play by David Haig requires a lot from the actors who have to remember complex weather reports.
Richard Cawte as Stagg is the hero of the piece in more ways than one. He embodies the serious Scot who not only has to persuade the Americans that he is right about unexpected weather fronts, but he also has to contend with worries about the health of his pregnant wife. A superb performance from Richard.
Equally, Chris Durham is totally believable in the demanding part of General Eisenhower with Sali Pike providing just the right measure of emotion as the strong character Kay Summersby.
Not only did these three leading actors put in polished performances, but also the other members of the cast were supremely convincing in their roles. They were Rob Cording-Cook as Andrew, Tony Feltham as Colonel Krick, Gary Paine as both Admiral Ramsay and an amusing electrician, Simon Jackson as Air Chief Marshall Sir Trafford Leigh-Mallory. Richard Scotson as both General Spaatz and Commander Franklin, with smaller roles by James Bourner as Hamilton, Andy Gill as Captain Johns/Lieutenant Battersby and Kelly Webb as the secretary.
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