Charity, Events & Entertainment, Wimborne | Posted on December 2nd, 2020 | return to news
Rotary Club of Wimborne's Jazz at the Allendale cancelled
With the continuing uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, Wimborne Rotary has decided to cancel its forthcoming annual Jazz at the Allendale charity concert, scheduled for 8 February next year.
Organiser, Rotarian Darryl Reach, said, “We much regret having to abandon next year’s event, the promotional build-up for which would normally have been well under way by now. With current restrictions likely to continue for the foreseeable future and, with the prospect of limited audience numbers being permitted, the event would simply not be viable for us.
“We have run these popular charity concerts successfully for the past eight years, during which time we have raised a total well in excess of £10,000.
“We will continue to keep the situation under review in the hope that Jazz at the Allendale can return in 2022. Meanwhile our regular fund-raising activities continue to be severely curtailed but we remain optimistic”, he added.
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