AFC Bournemouth footballer Eunan O’Kane with staff from the Royal Bournemouth Hospital and Bournemouth Hospital Charity.
Sports stars and hospital staff have signed up to Bournemouth Hospital Charity’s new flagship event supporting men’s health at the Royal Bournemouth Hospital (RBH).
March for Men is aimed at men, women and children and involves a 1km, 5km, or 10km walk, run or march along Bournemouth seafront and Lower Gardens on Sunday 2 March.
AFC Bournemouth midfielder Eunan O’Kane will be helping out with the event and joined staff at RBH on Monday for the launch. He said: “This will be a great event, raising money and awareness for a brilliant local cause and also getting the community out and active. It would be great to see more people get on board.”
Team GB volleyball player Dan Hunter and sailing sisters Kate and Lucy Macgregor have also signed up alongside consultants, doctors, nurses and other staff from the hospital.
Consultant Urologist Josh Phillips said: “Men’s health is an important issue in the community and one that sometimes is overlooked. Here at the Trust we see and treat over 15,000 men each year for a number of conditions including prostate and testicular cancer.
“March for Men is a chance for the community to get together and walk the walk for men across Dorset.”
If you would like to take part in the event, log on to www.bournemouthhospitalcharity.org.uk, call 01202 704060, email charity@rbch.nhs.uk or visit the Bournemouth Hospital Charity office in the main atrium at RBH.
Bournemouth Hospital Charity aims to raise £2m each year to support the patient experience above and beyond what the NHS can afford. Donations to the charity provide the funding for much needed equipment and resources.