“I am greatly privileged to be able to perform two very pleasant duties on 21 September. As town mayor, I will have the honour of leading the carnival parade, which starts at the Parkside Industrial Estate at 2pm and travels into the town centre.
“At the Market Place, the procession will stop temporarily to allow me to perform the formal unveiling of the town council’s restoration project for the jubilee lamp, originally erected to celebrate the Jubilee of Queen Victoria. That project will bring the lamp back, as close as possible in modern days, to its original condition so it remains an iconic feature within our Market Place. The town council is grateful to the members of the working party that led the restoration project, and in particular to the late Ted Baker who provided us with much historical information. Our contractor’s, JW UK Ltd of Southampton, have completed the project on time and within budget to an excellent standard. It is at times like this that I fully appreciate the privilege of holding the office of town mayor,” said Cllr Steve Rippon-Swaine.
The carnival procession will be repeated at 7.15pm as the evening draws in and the full benefit of the lights on the various carnival floats will be an added attraction to the festivities.