Events & Entertainment, Wimborne | Posted on January 4th, 2021 | return to news
Tivoli Theatre in Wimborne closed until further notice
Following the Tier 3 announcement, the Tivoli has had to close its doors, but don’t worry, you can look forward to seeing Jack and the Beanstalk in April.

Panto performances at Wimborne’s Tivoli of Jack and the Beanstalk have been rescheduled for April following the Tier 3 announcement – oh yes they have!
The new dates are:
Tuesday 13 April, 2pm (rescheduled from 31 December)
Wednesday 14 April, 2pm (rescheduled from 1 January)
Thursday 15 April, 2pm (rescheduled from 3 January 2pm)
Friday 16 April, 2pm and 7pm (adult) rescheduled from 2 January 2pm/7pm.
Saturday 17 April, 7pm (rescheduled from 4 January 7pm) – plus additional 2pm performance added.
Ticket holders for the above performances will have been contacted about these changes.
The performances in April will still be to the covid-secure seating plan with special measures in place throughout the theatre to ensure you can enjoy your visit as safely as possible.
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