Eco & Environment, Hampshire, New Forest | Posted on September 9th, 2021 | return to news
Views sought on New Forest National Park building design
A six-week consultation process is to run from 10 September to 22 October and you can respond online or at Lymington Town Hall.
If there is one area of the country where the appropriate design of the buildings is vital it is a national park.
This is why the New Forest National Park Authority is asking for people’s views on a new Design Guide for the whole of the National Park in a six-week consultation.
The updated Guide will, once formally adopted, be used by the National Park Authority in discussions with planning applicants and architects to help inform the design and materials used in new development. The Design Guide will also be useful for town and parish councils and local communities in making comments on applications within the National Park.
The National Park Authority deals with around 900 planning applications each year and places a strong emphasis on good design, with an annual Building Design Awards, Local Plan policies on protecting and enhancing the built environment and local design guidance.
The New Forest National Park Authority’s Planning Director Steve Avery said the draft Design Guide has been compiled after initial discussions with parish councils, local architects and planning agents. This six-week consultation now provides a formal opportunity for people to comment on the draft Design Guide.
He said: “Since the current New Forest National Park Design Guide was adopted in 2011 there have been significant changes in both local and national policy and guidance, so there are clear benefits in reviewing and updating the document.
“The updated Guide places a greater focus on areas such as climate change and sustainability that have risen up the planning agenda since the previous Design Guide was adopted a decade ago. The draft Design Guide also sets out details of the types of sustainability measures that can be incorporated into new development, while respecting the environmental protections and local character of the National Park. Through this public consultation we are inviting views on the draft document.”
The public consultation on the draft Design Guide runs for six weeks from 10 September to 22 October. You can view the documents and response form at The documents are also available to view at the National Park Authority office at Lymington Town Hall, Avenue Road, Lymington SO41 9ZG weekdays from 9am to 4pm and people can write to that address or email with their responses.
All of the representations received will be reviewed and changes made to the draft document where appropriate. A ‘consultation statement’ will be prepared summarising the main issues raised during the public consultation and how those issues have been addressed in the final document.
The final Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document is due to be considered by the Authority for approval at its meeting in December 2021.
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