Culture | Posted on November 14th, 2023 | return to news
West Parley volunteers recognised
West Parley Parish Council has shown its appreciation to volunteers who undertake work within the parish with an annual 'Volunteers Reception'.

It was held in the West Parley Community Hub, which many of the volunteers had spent many hours helping to restore and repair.
The Volunteer of the Year Award went to Clive Butcher who had served as the transport coordinator of the village Neighbour Car Scheme since its inception in September 2013. Clive relinquished the role as he has moved to be closer to family members. In the 10 years to Clive’s retirement as coordinator there had been 5812 trips for the village’s older residents.
Also receiving recognition was Brian Miles who is a founder member of the West Parley Residents Association. The third recipient of an award was Roy Chapman who, like Brian, is a stalwart of the Parley Volunteers as well as being a volunteer driver. Roy has also assisted all summer with grass cutting at the Memorial Hall and keeps the team happy with his baking.
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