Charity, Dorset, Events & Entertainment | Posted on May 28th, 2020 | return to news
A perfect time to say thank you to EDCA volunteers
East Dorset Citizens Advice (EDCA) is using Volunteers’ Week - which runs from 1 to 7 June - to thank volunteers for their contribution, not only during the coronavirus pandemic, but throughout the year.

EDCA has 45 volunteers who contribute a total average of 303 hours a week. In the last year, they helped 1,464 people with over 5,700 problems, including debt, housing, benefit and employment issues.
Linda said, “I’ve been a volunteer adviser for 18 months and I love it. I’m retired now, having previously worked for 33 unforgettable years with the Royal Air Force dealing with a myriad of problems including providing counselling.
“Volunteering for Citizens Advice seemed a natural progression as I’m able to use my experience, knowledge and compassion for helping others. We see a diverse range of issues and concerns on a daily basis including advising on benefits, debt, housing, employment and relationships. By helping people find the information they need, we are hopefully able to alleviate their worries, stress and anxiety.”
Dorne Hardyman, chief officer of Citizens Advice East Dorset, said, “Throughout the year our wonderful volunteers contribute their time and energy to make a huge difference to people’s lives and help keep our vital service running.
“Whether they have been able to continue in their role recently, or have paused their volunteering, their support throughout the year has been truly invaluable. I cannot thank them enough for their continued dedication. We really couldn’t do it without them.”
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