Events & Entertainment | Posted on February 28th, 2023 | return to news
Bovington Tank Museum hosts Armed Forces Covenant Conference
With the theme ‘Serving those that serve’, the Armed Forces Covenant Conference included speakers, workshops and networking opportunities.

The Dorset Armed Forces Covenant Conference, which took place at the Tank Museum at Bovington recently, was attended by more than 90 people.
The theme was ‘Serving those that serve’ and it was organised by Kevin Moore from the Dorset Armed Forces Covenant Programme and hosted by Cllr David Walsh, Dorset Council Armed Forces Champion and chairman of Dorset Covenant Programme Board.
As well as exhibitions from local organisations that provide help and advice to veterans and their families, the conference included speakers, interactive workshops and networking opportunities.
Guest speakers included Angus Campbell, HM Lord Lieutenant of Dorset; Col Gary McDade, Army commander South West; Patrick O’Brien, MOD Covenant Office London; Andy Gritt, Armed Forces Health and Wellbeing team service manager, Dorset NHS Healthcare and Rachael Brannagan, head of engagement, Wessex RFCA.
The event witnessed the Tank Museum signing up to the Covenant, a pledge to acknowledge and understand that those who serve or who have served in the armed forces, and their families, should be treated with fairness and respect in the communities they serve.
Cllr David Walsh, Armed Forces champion for Dorset Council, said: “The Conference was a big success and gave us an excellent opportunity to discuss the importance of the Covenant, it’s future and the role that local authorities and other organisations play in delivering the Covenant locally.
“We are privileged to have strong connections with the Armed Forces Community in Dorset, with serving personnel, veterans and their families making up a highly valued and an important part of our community.
“Through the Armed Forces Covenant and links to health and wellbeing services, welfare, housing and employment, support is available for both current and past members of the Armed Forces and their families.”
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