Eco & Environment, Hampshire, Nature & Wildlife | Posted on April 16th, 2024 | return to news
Call for young community research volunteers in Hampshire
This opportunity will enable four young volunteers to work in the Youth for Climate and Nature scheme in Hampshire.

If you would like to help the progress of a groundbreaking youth and climate scheme Action Hampshire would like to hear from you as they are seeking four young volunteers.
The Youth for Climate and Nature – YouCAN – scheme is working to strengthen young people’s connection to nature and deepen their understanding of what drives environmental behaviour change.
The National Lottery Community Fund awarded the New Forest National Park Authority a £1.2 million grant to enable young people aged 11 to 25 to drive change across their communities to tackle the climate and nature emergencies.
Co-created projects will bring opportunities for people to connect across different sectors in a range of urban, coastal, rural, and freshwater spaces from Bournemouth to Southampton. With match funding from partner organisations, the grant represents a £1.4m investment into the area.
After training, the volunteer community researchers aged 16-25 will be fully supported to put together a case study of a YouCAN project led by one of the seven partner organisations.
Action Hampshire has been commissioned to understand if and how the YouCAN scheme has achieved its intended outcomes and to assess the effectiveness of the YouCAN partnership.
Community researcher Jessica Johnson for Action Hampshire who is leading the project said: “This volunteer project is an opportunity to learn about climate change, its impact on nature and the actions communities and individuals are taking to make a difference.
“The volunteers will receive training on research and evaluation, including methods and analysis, which are essential skills for most university courses and an excellent steppingstone to research careers and other jobs. It’s a chance for young people to explore a less well-known career path and will give an exciting insight into potential roles, as well as useful experience to put on job and university applications.”
The programme will involve attending one local activity (travel expenses will be paid) with the rest taking place online. Volunteers are asked to take part in two training sessions in July and August and then work on the project for five days between August and October, selecting days and times that work best within their own schedules. Action Hampshire can provide access to digital tools and other resources for volunteers to be able to complete the case study.
Submit your application by 5pm on Friday 31 May to
Action Hampshire is hosting an online information session on Tuesday 7 May from 6pm – 7pm.
To sign up to the 7 May Zoom session contact
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