Wimborne | Posted on December 16th, 2020 | return to news
Carols on Wimborne Minster Green Saturday 19 December 2020
In the absence of the Carols in the Cornmarket and the shoppers’ carol service it is hoped this will bring cheer to shoppers.

The Minster Choir are planning to sing carols, socially distanced, on the Minster Green alongside the Minster Church in Wimborne on Saturday 19th December from 3pm – 4pm. It is hoped that this event will give some cheer to the passing shoppers as Christmas Day approaches. In a normal year the town would have been hosting carols in the Cornmarket on Friday evening and the shoppers’ carol service in the Minster on Saturday morning.
Restricted numbers are allowed to attend Minster services over the Christmas Period, and people need to pre-book by contacting the Parish Office on: parishoffice@wimborneminster.org.uk.
Full details of the services can be found on the Minster website: www.wimborneminster.org.uk
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