This year saw the 30th French Exchange trip between Allenbourn Middle School in Wimborne, and the College Victor Hugo in Sourdeval, Normandy. The event was celebrated with a soiree for pupils and French families, and the planting of a tree to commemorate this special anniversary. Nearly 20 pupils from Dorset spent a week in France, living with French families and going to school for a few lessons.
They visited local sights, including St Malo and Mont St Michel.
Several of this year’s parents went on the trip as children when they attended Allenbourn, and Jane Smith, Head of Year 8, accompanied the children on both the very first trip, and this one.
Commenting on the event, Christine Russell, Head of French at Allenbourn, said, “This trip is one of the highlights of the year, and we are delighted that the bond with our friends in Sourdeval is still going strong.”