Business, Christchurch | Posted on October 4th, 2021 | return to news
Christchurch to become a Business Improvement District
A total of 78 per cent of levy payers who voted in a recent ballot were in favour of Christchurch forming a Business Improvement District.

Christchurch is to form a Business Improvement District (BID), with 78 cent of levy payers who voted in a ballot being in favour.
The ballot met two key criteria that 50 per cent of those voting, would vote in favour, and those ‘yes’ votes represented a majority of the total rateable value of all of the voting businesses. There was a majority 81.9 per cent rateable value percentage.
The ballot was facilitated and ratified with the assistance of BCP Council. Results were announced by BCP Council deputy leader, Philip Broadhead.
Christchurch BID will now operate through to October 2026.
It is hoped that the new venture will bring in over £600,000 over the next five years to be spent on the town centre through a variety of business-led projects.
Cllr Philip Broadhead, deputy leader and portfolio holder for Regeneration, Economy and Strategic Planning, said: “Christchurch is an amazing town with a beautiful high street and strong local businesses, but we’ve all seen the impact that a changing retail market coupled with the pandemic has had.
“Christchurch BID will be hugely beneficial, ensuring longevity and prosperity for Christchurch’s town centre. With a resounding 78 per cent voting in favour of this initiative, levy payers have clearly demonstrated their strong commitment to progress their town even further. This will see Christchurch and its wonderful array of businesses continue to thrive in the coming years.”
Lucy Filer, chairman of the Christchurch BID Development Board, said: “Our objective is to make Christchurch town centre the best place for our visitors to enjoy and for our residents and traders to live and work in.
“We firmly believe that the result confirmed today will allow local businesses to commit to the town safe in the knowledge that they will be supported in a dynamic and collaborative environment. This marks the beginning of a new era for business in Christchurch and one we are very much anticipating being a success.”
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