Business, Dorset | Posted on June 9th, 2020 | return to news
Craft Survival kit designed by local mumpreneur
Eleven weeks ago, mother-of-two, Lexy, was at a loss of what to do with her successful craft party business following the lockdown. This year was set to be Made By Me Craft Parties' best year so far, with a packed diary for May and bookings well into the summer. Heart wrenchingly, COVID-19 put a stop to the crafting and the partying.

But Lexy decided she was not going to be beaten. Her craft room was stuffed full of supplies and parents were faced with weeks of entertaining their kids with little access to craft items. So, within days, the ‘Craft Survival’ kit was born: a box of basic craft supplies and mini activities for children to do, such as wooden bird boxes, gliders, and key rings to decorate.
“I also included an inspiration sheet, with lots of ideas of what to do with the contents,” said Lexy.
When her own craft supplies ran low, she raided her party supplies and put together teddy bear making kits, which people snapped up, some bought several kits to do online Zoom parties to make the bears together. Lexy is also running online craft parties decorating tote bags.
With the help of her two children (aged 7 and 10), she also launched her popular and free Craft Along With Me tutorials on social media to inspire children and parents to craft with basic supplies and household items, such as toilet rolls, old socks and yoghurt pots, making the tutorials as accessible to as many people as possible.
With indoor parties not being on the agenda for quite a while, Lexy is still presenting the Craft Along tutorials every Friday and she is putting together new and exciting online parties and craft kits.
Commenting on her change of circumstances, Lexy said, “I miss running craft parties, but creating kits has been a lot of fun and it’s given me some focus during this challenging time. I have appreciated all the messages from happy parents and the fantastic photos showing off their children’s creations and I am so grateful for all the support from everyone. I certainly never thought I’d be putting myself out there online showing so many people how to craft.”
Lexy’s craft tutorials can be found at OR
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