Dorset, Wimborne | Posted on May 28th, 2020 | return to news
Dorset roads to benefit from £9m funding
The road between Wimborne and Cranborne could be resurfaced in the near future.
Thanks to funding of £9.1m from the Department of Transport, resurfacing and reconstruction work will take place on a number of roads in the county this year, and the B3078 is one that has been identified as in need of repair.
The Secretary of State for Transport has announced a £1.7billion Transport Infrastructure Investment Fund to be allocated to Combined Authorities and Local Highway Authorities for 2020/21.
Councillor Ray Bryan, portfolio holder for Highways, Travel and Environment, said, “This is a much welcomed, significant boost to our highways funding. As always, there are caveats as to what we can spend this money on, but we are hoping to accelerate our current programme of roads resurfacing and improvement works.
“We welcome government funding for specific areas of the council’s work like this. However, I must remind residents that the council’s overall financial position remains challenging due to the significant additional expenditure and loss of income incurred through our COVID response.”
Programmes of work and further information will be published as it becomes available.
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