Business, Christchurch, Eco & Environment, Ferndown | Posted on April 13th, 2021 | return to news
Parley company plans new energy recovery facility
Eco Sustainable Solutions hopes to add a hi-tech energy recovery facility (ERF) to its Eco Park site at Parley

Parley-based Eco Sustainable Solutions has submitted an application to BCP Council to add a hi-tech energy recovery facility (ERF) to its Eco Park site.
If approved, it would enable Eco to process an extra 60,000 tonnes of local waste a year on top of the 250,000 plus tonnes it currently handles.
The plans also include improvements to the existing site layout and incorporate an already permitted anaerobic digestion facility.
The proposed ERF replaces a bioenergy facility that Eco already has planning permission for, increasing the green energy generated from local waste.
Up to a fifth of the extra waste processed at the new ‘Chapel Gate ERF’ would be recycled with the rest used to generate green energy for local homes and businesses.
Currently, hundreds of thousands of tonnes of leftover rubbish created by BCP and Dorset homes and businesses is taken by road out of the county, with significant amounts ending up in landfill, emitting methane, a potent greenhouse gas.
Diverting this waste from landfill via Eco’s proposed ERF would help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an estimated 12,850 tonnes of CO2 per year and HGV ‘waste miles’ by more than 17,000 miles per month.
The plans include a visitor and education centre designed to support local council efforts to encourage people to do more to help reduce waste and tackle the climate emergency.
Justin Dampney, Eco’s chief operating officer, said: “Our plans are specifically designed to help solve the acute waste challenge facing Dorset, supporting local authority strategies to reduce the amount of waste produced, champion even more recycling and recover the energy from waste leftover after recycling.
“We’re proposing a significant investment in green infrastructure that will play an important role in addressing the climate emergency declared by both Dorset and BCP Councils and contribute towards the national goal of achieving net-zero carbon emissions.”
The scheme is expected to create ten permanent full-time jobs while offering construction and maintenance opportunities for local contractors.
The planning application follows a public consultation process which, because of Covid restrictions, was moved online during autumn 2020.
Justin said: “The ERF will provide less than half of the capacity that the local authority waste plan says we could build at our Parley site. That’s because we strongly believe everyone in society can do much more to reduce waste and increase recycling rates.
“We’re proposing a visitor centre and education programme to support our local councils’ efforts to encourage the kind of behavioural change that will safeguard all our futures.
To view and comment on the ERF planning application, visit
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