Dorset, Ferndown | Posted on May 31st, 2019 | return to news
Barrington Centre's time of change
Ferndown Town Council has made a “minded to” decision to enter into negotiations to take over the running of the Barrington Centre following an approach from Prama.

Having made a significant contribution, along with support from the local community to save the facility from closure in 2017, Prama currently manages the centre.
The Mayor of Ferndown, Cllr Julie Robinson said, “The Town Council values this building’s importance to the community and will explore all avenues available, working with Prama, for the future of the Barrington Centre.”
Steve Robinson, the chief executive of Prama, says, “We believe that this is a good time to hand over the reins, at a time when the redevelopment plans and financial investment are about to take place allowing the final details to be agreed by the new leaseholders.
“The many Prama clubs and activities in Ferndown will continue to run and we are looking forward to a close working partnership in the future.”
A full report will be considered by Ferndown Town Council later in the summer.
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