Charity, Crime, Dorset | Posted on September 22nd, 2022 | return to news
Funding awarded to help tackle anti-social behaviour in Dorset
Community groups and charities have been awarded funding to establish projects aimed at tackling anti-social behaviour.
David Sidwick, Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner
Funding to help 12 new projects working to tackle Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) across Dorset has been awarded through the Operation Relentless Community Fund.
The funding, which amounts to almost £50,000 has been awarded to Dorset-based community groups and charities with initiatives and projects aimed at tackling ASB by taking appropriate action for their local area.
David Sidwick, Police and Crime Commissioner, said: “I am delighted to be able to work with more local organisations as we endeavour to combat ASB. I have seen the impact previous Op Relentless projects have had on those involved and I can confidently say that taking a different approach to combating ASB really does work. We’ve seen a decrease in ASB incidents this year, we are going in the right direction but there is more work to be done”.
The projects include those working with both young people at risk of being involved in ASB and those who are prone to anti-social behaviours. They include a gardening training course for homeless people who are involved in ASB, outreach work with young people, new fitness equipment, and support for families.
Faithworks Wessex was one organisation to receive an award. Spokesperson Sara-Jane said: “Faithworks is so grateful to receive this funding from the OPCC’s Operation Relentless Community Fund towards our homelessness project FW Home and specifically the Gardening Team Training project. This training project aims to reduce ASB in local communities, increases the likelihood of work for those experiencing homelessness (and gives them regular purpose), and reduces the social isolation of older, vulnerable residents.”
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