Bournemouth | Posted on December 11th, 2023 | return to news
Good turnout for Fox Strut in Bournemouth
Women and members of the LGBTQ+ community took part in the first ever Fox Strut in Bournemouth last week.

More than 100 women and members of the LGBTQ+ community gathered in Bournemouth last Friday wearing orange and fox-themed costumes for the inaugural ‘Fox Strut’ events. This was part of the World Health Organization’s global 16 days of activism against gender-based violence.
Dressed in their brightest, funkiest fox-themed garments, attendees marched through the streets of the town as part of both a visual celebration of the urban fox and a collective stand against gender-based violence. Empowerment photographer and an organiser of the event, Jayne Jackson, said: “We had such an incredible turnout to the Fox Strut, more people than we ever imagined. It was an incredible sight to see.
“The whole project came together rather quickly and, in the lead, up to it, we had so much interest from others in the community and lots of people were writing back to us and sharing photos of their fox-themed outfits and creations that they planned to wear.
“We chose to focus on the fox as you always see them out and about at night, but we noticed that you see more foxes on the streets at night than you do women and that just isn’t right, it shouldn’t be that way. Women should be able to go out at night and feel safe.”
After the incredible response to the Fox Strut online and at the procession, planning for future Fox Struts is already underway with dates confirmed for another in Bournemouth on 29 November 2024 and in London on 22 November 2024.
Jayne said: “This is the beginning of something really big and we hope that the Fox Strut will take off worldwide across the UK and Europe. Updates can be found on Instagram @foxstrutuk and a dedicated website is being built.”
Local resident and attendee of the procession, Jane, said: “I used to go on ‘Reclaim the night marches in the late 70s and 80s. It is shocking that here in 2023, the majority of women are still made to feel uncomfortable being out after dusk. This was a happy care-free fox strut along parts of Bournemouth I would never go near. I would never walk past a street of bars and clubs nor go anywhere near an underpass, but together with such a large group of wonderful people it was quite liberating.”
The procession was captured on film by supportive students from Bournemouth University. Students from Arts University Bournemouth lent a beautifully crafted, handmade fox mascot for the occasion that was carried along with the procession.
Fellow Foxstrutter, Jessica, said: “As a skulk of foxes, our group felt empowered to brave the street, hoping that in the future our daughters will feel safe on their own and our sons will be looking out for them and not threatening them. So wonderful to be part of something so liberating and to demand safe streets for fox cubs, vixens, tods and silver foxes alike.”
Lisa, who also joined the procession said: “I did the Fox Strut because often younger women are objectified, and older women made invisible. Both take away our confidence in who we are. The Fox Strut was beautiful and empowered women of all ages to come together to walk the streets with confidence. It felt joyful and I am so glad that I took part in something so special.”
To mark the World Health Organization’s global 16 days of Activism against gender-based violence, along with the procession, photographer Jayne Jackson and artist Lorna Rees have also created a powerful series of portraits of Dorset women defiantly inhabiting public space in the dark. The photography series ‘Urban Fox’ is still being created and is scheduled for exhibition in 2024.
Lorna Rees, an organiser of the event, said: “It was incredible to see so many people turning up to raise awareness for not just women’s safety but for members of the LGBTQ community as well. We should all be able to feel at ease and comfortable to go out at any time of the day, no matter our gender.
“This is a worldwide issue that is worth fighting for. We’re so thankful to everyone who attended despite the wet weather and we can’t wait to see how this develops over time as more women channel their inner fox.” Follow the movement on Instagram @foxstrutuk, or for more information visit
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Tags: #FoxStrut, #GenderBasedViolence, #LGBTQ+