Eco & Environment | Posted on July 1st, 2021 | return to news
July is Plastic Free month
We can all help to reduce plastic waste by making a few changes to both our home lives and in the workplace.

A number of challenges are being issued in Plastic Free July with the Fair Ground Wimborne Fair Trade shop giving 9 ways that people can reduce plastic in the workplace.
- Inspire your colleagues to hold an ocean plastic talk.
- Organise a park, river or beach clean with your team.
- Provide unlimited filtered tap water.
- Have reusables in kitchens and canteens.
- Reduce plastic in office tea and coffee
- Encourage eco habits, gift reusables to your team.
- Ask your team for ideas to cut plastic in their roles.
- Request that suppliers use less plastic packaging.
- Share your success and inspire others to act too.
For details of other challenges, including Plastic Free Schools, Plastic Free Morning Tea and Safe Ways to reduce plastic waste see
Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people to be part of the solution to plastic pollution. Plastic Free Bournemouth was founded in August 2017.
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