Dorset, Eco & Environment, Political | Posted on May 31st, 2022 | return to news
More than 500 new affordable homes provided in Dorset
A total of 228 more affordable homes were built up to March 2022 compared with the same time the previous year.

A total of 529 new affordable houses and flats were built in the Dorset Council area in the year up to March 2022.
This compares to 301 properties in the year to March 2021.
The bulk of the 529 homes have been built by Housing Associations, including Aster, Sovereign, Magna and Abri, and the council has had great success securing grants from Homes England to support this programme.
The number of new properties also includes a small number of homes the council has used grants and their own capital resources to acquire and bring empty properties back into use. Since December 2020, 29 one-bedroom flats and 12 modular units, which have been located on the Park and Ride site in Weymouth, have been acquired. These have been a great help for people who have experienced rough sleeping and are now benefiting from support to help maintain a tenancy.
Community groups have also come together to work with registered providers and provide affordable homes in their villages and towns. These schemes are specifically for people with links to the area. Homes in Bridport and Drimpton are being built because Community Land Trusts and more planning applications have been submitted from like minded trusts in other areas. The council also support the trusts in their journey to building affordable homes.
Cllr Graham Carr-Jones, portfolio holder for Housing, said: “I am delighted to see excellent progress in providing new homes across the Dorset Council area.
“Everyone knows rents and costs are rising and being able to provide the right kind of affordable housing really does make a difference to people’s lives.”
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