Category: Dorset

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Dorset news

MP backs community ownership of local hospitals

North Dorset MP Bob Walter has welcomed the introduction of a new Community Hospitals Bill to Parliament, which he hopes will strengthen the future of these vital local care centres in North Dorset and across the country. The Community Hospitals Bill was presented and supported by a cross-party group of MPs – including Bob –…

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Join the Sound of Soul

Do You Want To Sing? Come and Join Us! It’s a new year and time to do something you’ve always wanted to do.  Have you always wanted to sing?  Would you like to meet likeminded people and have great fun whilst singing fantastic songs?  Then come and join the Sound of Soul Choir, Bournemouth. It’s…

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Have your say on Furzehill offices

The Christchurch and East Dorset Partnership is exploring options for improving customer access to council services and reducing the cost of office accommodation. They are currently looking in detail at their preferred option for future office accommodation, which is to use the Civic Offices in Christchurch as the main partnership office, to build a new…

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New Year Forum for Victims

Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner Martyn Underhill is appealing for victims of crime from Weymouth, Portland and West Dorset to take their places on a special forum, so he can learn from their experiences and ensure that the needs of victims in Dorset are being met.

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Dorset news

Further Severe Flood Warnings – Weymouth Area

Severe flood warnings remain in place for Chiswell on Portland and Preston Beach Road in Weymouth today, Tuesday 7 January 2014. This follows an assessment of the impact of the forecasted weather, tides and waves of these coastal areas.   Chiswell on Portland Dorset Police and partners continue to advise residents and workers in Chiswell…

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