Events & Entertainment, Wimborne | Posted on August 2nd, 2024 | return to news
Success for Wimborne Food Bank's Family Funday
A funday organised by Wimborne Food Bank on Saturday 27 July was attended by more than 400 people and raised over £500 in donations.

More than 400 people including local families, Wimborne Food Bank customers and supporters enjoyed the annual Family Funday on Saturday 27 July, which took place at the back of Wimborne Rugby Club.
Town Crier Chris Brown was unwell, so proceedings were opened by a ‘cry’ from a young supporter and a rousing roar from Mayor Jeff Hart who attended with Mayoress Barbara.
Food was in good supply from Friendly Food Club, the Seafood Fish and Chip Van and Big Chief Ices. Volunteers supplied cakes, bakes and hot and cold drinks.
There was free entertainment from Jamie Jigsaw and Little Gizmos.
Ems Friendly Farm proved popular with young and old alike, especially the eight-week-old piglets. Wimborne Food Bank managers Sharon Keenan and Michelle Kratzke organised this year’s event with help from their band of volunteers.
Donations on the day amounted to over £500 which will be used to buy stock that the food bank is running low on.
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