Events & Entertainment, Ringwood | Posted on July 19th, 2022 | return to news
Summer activities for children in Ringwood
Activities in Ringwood for children will include tennis, basketball, netball and football plus crafts for the very young.

Families and young people will be able to enjoy a range of activities in Ringwood this summer.
Carvers Clubhouse, which is managed by Ringwood Town Council, has produced an activity programme ‘Summer in the Park’ shaped by the views of 60 young people who fed into a survey about what they wanted to do over the summer break.
The most popular choice from the young people was sports and physical activity. The tennis courts will be now open seven days a week for tennis and, thanks to the loan of hoops from Ringwood School – basketball, and netball. There are already football goals and table tennis facilities as well as the ever-popular skate park. A rounders pitch has been painted on the field and equipment for all these sports can be borrowed for free from the clubhouse.
Ringwood Town FC will be running regular Wednesday football games and there will be kickboxing sessions on a Saturday. On Wednesday 3 August, there will be an activity day which includes Battlefield Live – a digital combat experience for those aged eight and above.
On Friday 19 August, Ringwood Skate Jam, organised by Team Rubicon, returns for the first time since 2019. From midday, anyone is welcome to come and watch the professionals on their skateboards, BMXs and scooters ahead of the competition being opened to all.
Younger children will have plenty to enjoy as well. ‘Crafty Kidz Stay and Play’ will be back on Thursdays from 11am-3pm with free crafts for families with young children to enjoy together. Popular comic magician ‘Krazy Kev’ will be returning on 3 September to send young children back to school and preschools with a smile on their faces.
Cllr Andrew Briers, chairman of the Recreation, Leisure, and Open Spaces committee said: “We are delighted to be able to provide a wide range of activities for families and young people this summer at Carvers Clubhouse. This year, all activities are free, and Ringwood Town Council hopes that this means that everyone who wants to take part is able to.”
For more information, including how to book for football and kickboxing, please visit the website
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