Tom Green’s European Comedy Road Trip
review by Adam Trimby @adamtrimby
Tom Green’s explosive humour and “not bitter” ranting about President Trump’s hiring and firing practices led to a hysterical night of belly laughs and consistently sidesplitting comedy. What a night on the European Comedy Road Trip.

The opportunity to see Tom Green perform live in the UK is not one that comes around often. So the chances that Tom Green might make a quick trip to Bournemouth’s O2 Academy, chicken sandwiched between two shows in Cardiff, was unmissable for some die-hard fans.
Before the main event though, it was the job of the support acts to warm up the crowd. Local Bournemouth talent Graham Whistler impressed the audience with his narcissistic candour and unique perspective on being a comedian with a disability. While Portsmouth standup Sunjai Arif’s wild and weird comedy blew the crowd away with borderline surreal nipple anecdotes, stories about how “Alpha” it is to own a people carrier and his new toothpaste obsession.
However, this was all in anticipation for something else, a man formidable in the strange and hilarious.
As soon as Green walked onto the stage, we were already laughing in anticipation. Just his presence split the sides of some people in the audience.
As Green began, he boasted a little about Canadian pencils before exposing his afternoon research about Bournemouth Pier. “Voted number one pier in the UK in 2010,” he repeated, over and over again until people were unsure if it was funny any more. It was. That’s why everyone couldn’t stop laughing.
Even in the ephemeral climate of the General Election, Green stayed away from UK politics and mainly away from political musings of any kind; yet, no comedy performance is complete without at least mentioning The Donald of America. This mainly took the shape of a series of jokes, or one long joke, that reflected Green’s time on the American Apprentice, in which Trump was the USA’s answer to Alan Sugar.
He reflected on how weird the competition was and how, ultimately, he had to be fired by The President of the United States of America not knowing the rules to the ‘game’. Or, was he just a saboteur?
The whole recollection of the event created floods of laughter throughout the whole of the old Opera House and left everyone wanting more.
A top performance by one of the kings of comedy.
You can follow all of the acts on their twitter pages: Tom Green is @tomgreenlive, Graham Whistler is @GWhistlerComedy and Sunjai Arif is @Sanjsmash.
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