Dorset, Political | Posted on July 16th, 2020 | return to news
Views sought on licensing and gambling by Dorset Council
If you have a view on premises such as betting shops, bingo halls, amusement arcades and licensed premises, now is the time to let Dorset Council know what you think.

The 2021-2026 draft alcohol licensing policy is being consulted on for a period of 12 weeks, with the deadline for comment being Sunday 27 September.
The results will be reviewed alongside replies from the service manager by a series of committees. The draft polices will be presented to Full Council on 11 February 2021 for final approval.
Both policies aim to align with the Council’s policy priorities of ‘staying safe and well’, ‘unique environment’ and ‘economic growth’ as found in the Dorset Council’s Plan 2020-2024.
When commenting, the Council is reminding people that it needs to balance the needs of businesses and local residents whilst encouraging a vibrant night-time economy. It also needs to ensure that alcohol misuse is discouraged whilst reducing unnecessary regulations.
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Tags: #dorsetcouncil, #gambling, Alcohol