Eco & Environment, Hampshire, New Forest | Posted on March 26th, 2021 | return to news
New planning rules for New Forest campsites
In the past year camping has proved increasingly popular and consequently there is a need for planning guidance to protect forest habitats.

The National Park Authority has agreed new planning rules for pop-up campsites in the New Forest.
In recent years temporary or ‘pop-up’ campsites have benefited from permitted development rights whereby they can operate without planning permission for 28 days a calendar year. This was extended by Government last year and again this year to 56 days to help the outdoor hospitality sector to recover from the pandemic.
However, with an ever-increasing demand for touring pitches, there is concern about the future environmental impacts of these temporary campsites within the National Park. These are mainly around the disturbance of protected habitats, and the safe disposal of waste water and effluent.
The New Forest is already one of the most visited National Parks in England and has the highest proportion of designated land of international value for nature conservation in the country.
Guidance and a mitigation framework are to be provided to help existing smaller campsites meet the requirements of the Habitat Regulations. This is likely to involve sites paying an appropriate habitat mitigation contribution each year, and ensuring proper arrangements are in place for the safe disposal of waste water and effluent.
From June next year all larger and new campsites will need to apply for planning permission, supported by new policy/guidance against which future planning applications would be assessed.
Leo Randall, chairman of the New Forest National Park Authority’s planning committee said, “The New Forest National Park has more than three times the number of camping and touring caravan bed spaces per square kilometre than the average of all other English national parks. Given that this small geographical area is already well served by existing camping and caravan sites, we believe our proposals strike an appropriate balance between the need to protect the New Forest environment while recognising the important role of tourism in the local economy.”
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