Category: Dorset

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1500 acres of outstanding wildlife habitat purchased

Thanks to the outstanding grant of £2.7 million from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) and £2 million from local fundraising, Dorset Wildlife Trust (DWT) and its partners have now purchased 20 lots (almost 1500 acres) of outstanding wildlife habitat as part of the major new conservation project in east Dorset, Poole, Bournemouth and Christchurch, ‘The Great Heath Living Landscape’.

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Throwing off suits and ties for Stars in Their Eyes

By day they’re smartly dressed professionals with one of Dorset’s leading accountancy firms. But by night the six-strong team from Princecroft Willis (PcW) have become members of hit 70s pop group, Village People. Ben Steers, Richard Armstrong, Ryan Laming, Nathan Lake and brothers Tom and Mike O’Sullivan adopted the distinctive personas for a charity ‘Stars…

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Vodka cups keep spirits high

Almost 650 lots of silver went under the hammer on the first day of Lawrences’ Spring Fine Art auction on 8 April. Collectors showed themselves to be keen on buying at every level of the market with little left unsold. An unusual early 19th century marrow scoop set the tone of the day early on by…

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Main attractions promoted using strong links

The Chairman of East Dorset District Council, Cllr Malcolm Birr, held a Civic Day for mayors and chairmen from other local authorities in order to promote East Dorset’s business and tourist attractions James Hassett, East Dorset District Council’s Head of Growth and Economy, gave a talk on the value of private and public cooperation within the…

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Small cushion stars at Kimmeridge

Dorset Wildlife Trust (DWT) staff and volunteers have discovered a species of starfish on the seashore at Kimmeridge that has never been recorded there before. The small cushion starfish (Asterina phylactica) was found by a group of volunteers in rockpools during a seashore exploration on one of the lowest tides of the year in the…

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